Project 3: Autostitch               [By Pakawat Phalitnonkiat (pp287) and Rina Tse (rt297)]

1. Campus Test Set

Description: 360CampusTrue loweres

(high resolution)

(embedded viewer) 


We have a better way to represent this.

 Description: C:\Users\LIB-PAC-ops\Desktop\glob.jpg

2. Custom Test Set (Camera model: Nikon D80, Lens: 50mm f/1.8)

Spherically warped:

Description: 360land_lowres

(high resolution)

(embedded viewer)


Homography stitching with 5 images (landscape).

Description: C:\Users\LIB-PAC-ops\Desktop\homo work.jpg

(High resolution)

(low-res.jpg & hyperlink)

3. What worked well and what did not

The homography stitch breaks down when there are about 8-10 images and this makes the result image blurry and some did not show up.Description: C:\Users\LIB-PAC-ops\Desktop\fail.jpg

(high resolution)

4. Extra Credit Items

·        Brightness fluctuation

For the custom test set, all the images were taken using the same camera exposure setting so that the brightness does not fluctuate.

For the Campus test set, the brightness of each image was adjusted manually to reduce the fluctuation effect.


Before correction:

Description: 360CampusNoCrop


·        A Better Blending Technique


Description: YosemiteBlend

Linear Feathering:

Description: stitch4linear

Quadratic Feathering:

Description: stitch4sq

Cubic Feathering:

Description: stitch4cubic